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Globally there is a lot of research going on about the impact of development on ecology. Environmental professionals have been studying the impact of such pollution and coming out with steps to counter them. There has been good progress made on several fronts. Governments too have stepped up efforts and come up with a definite set of rules that need to follow before approval is given to any major project. The scenario is no different in the case of Australia, one of the most developed countries in the world. Here too there is a list of stipulations that need to be adhered to by project developers. If you are someone who is looking for an environmental consultancy, then there is some good news awaiting you. Yes, there is plenty of choices available to you. Here are a few handy tips that will help you zero in on the right environmental consultancy.

Make a list

The first thing that you need to do even before you start interviewing potential environmental consultancies is to make a list of the assessments that you need to do. For example, do you need to do SEPP 55 Contamination Assessment? Do you need a Biodiversity Stewardship Site Assessment Report (BSSAR)? What about the Flora and Fauna Report? You will, therefore, first of all, need to make sure that you have the list ready. Remember, the authorities will give your project the signal to go ahead, only if you have got all the required reports ready.

There is plenty of literature available over the internet about the different assessment reports. If you go through them, you can get a good idea about the procedures involved. You can also find out about the kind of research that the environmental professionals will carry on as part of the assessment. This will stand you in good stead when you are interviewing prospective environmental professionals. You will also find this knowledge useful when the actual assessments are going on.

Customized plan

Have a detailed discussion with the environmental consultancy that you intend to hire. Find out from them about the various steps involved in different assessment studies. For example, what are the steps involved in a Vegetation Management Plan? Similarly, there could be a situation when a bushfire may have destroyed part of the vegetation and there could be a plan required for regenerating the entire region. In such cases, the professionals will do a detailed study about the local varieties of plants and then come out with a plan to regenerate the entire region.

Similarly, in the case of an industry project, there may be a requirement of the Effluent Disposal Report. Remember, wastewater runoff and effluent disposal are key factors involved in giving clearance to industry projects. Environmental professionals will do a detailed study about these factors and if required even offer remedial solutions. These days there is a lot of research going on in the field of effluent disposal? After doing a detailed study the environmental professionals may offer a remedial solution to be implemented. The solutions would differ from one project to another since they are tailored according to different situations.


Updated: Apr 8, 2021

You don’t need to be an expert in the world economy to know that we are living in the day of rapid industrialization. This coupled with the growing population has brought with its own set of issues around the world. Urbanization is a fact of life that we all cannot deny in modern times. All this has had its impact on the ecology at several places. For example, wastewater runoff is an issue in many of the places. Similarly, there have been cases of entire tracts of forests disappearing in certain parts of the globe. The pressure on existing natural resources too is immense. Freshwater resources for example are depleting at an alarming rate in many parts of the world. There is some good news filtering in though in the form of initiatives taken by various governments to mitigate such damage. In Australia for example, there are a set of regulations that need to be adhered to by project developers. Experienced environmental professionals help them to make the stipulated assessment and reports generation. One of the key services offered by them is bush vegetation assessment and planning. This is a key assessment study because a good majority of the Australian landscape consists of bush vegetation. Bush forests have almost become synonymous with the country.

Bush vegetation ecosystem

For an outsider, the bushes may look like ordinary vegetation growing in the wild. However, they have enormous importance to the overall environment of Australia. They are a complete ecosystem by themselves. The entire ecology in the areas where they grow is dependent on their survival. They form an important link in the region’s food chain. Don’t forget bush vegetation is the primary source of foods for the animals that live in the region. Similarly, this bush ecosystem is also important for the survival of many bird species. For them this vegetation is not only a source of food, they are also dependent on them for their nesting purposes. A detailed assessment, therefore, involves taking into consideration all such factors. The team of environmental scientists will carry out the various tests required to do the assessment. There are times when there could be a need for studying the soil characteristics too.

Study on vegetation

The harsh summers in Australia are sometimes known to be the time when bushfires rage across the country. This is the reason why bush vegetation assessment studies assume importance. Environmental professionals employ a variety of methods for completing their studies. They will, for example, study the different types of vegetation growing in the region. Similarly, they will also study a variety of wildlife in the region. Based on the studies they will then try and come out with methods to restore the bush vegetation.

Bushfire assessment often becomes important before the purchase of a property. If there is a threat perception of bushfire in the region then assessment studies need to find out about the possible solutions. A detailed plan will be drawn to ensure that there is minimal damage to the bush vegetation in the vicinity. The reports are then made ready, which are often required for getting approval for the start of a project.

Both large companies and small businesses have many fronts to pay attention to in order to achieve the correct development of their economic activity.

For some time now, the growing problem of natural change makes society take more into account respect for nature.

This is why the environment occupies a predominant place within the business environment and it becomes essential to have an environmental consultancy, such as, that identifies the most correct way to carry out the production process to cause the least negative effects on the environment.

There is still a long way to go, but more and more, businesses are becoming aware of the need to respect the environment, also encouraged by the fact of having to face sanctions in cases of non-compliance with established environmental policies.

We find regulations or laws at the different levels of the Administration that refer to various environmental aspects for society in general, but in order to comply they must be taken into account by the business fabric of a country due to the great impact they generate on the ecosystem.

The central government can perform environmental audits on companies and, if they do not comply with the stipulations, they can face fines and even criminal penalties for those responsible.

That is why many businesses find it necessary to hire an environmental consultancy, they must meet certain points so that their productive activity generates the minimum consequences on the fauna and flora of the environment, on air quality or on the availability of natural resources.

Ideally, its production process should cause a zero impact on the environment, but since that is almost impossible, the minimum alteration of the habitat is sought.

In an environmental consultancy or advisory, all aspects of environmental matters that affect the development of the productive activity of a company or business are addressed.

The work of the professionals who work in an environmental consultancy focuses on advising, training or carrying out procedures on topics such as waste collection, air pollution, the environmental policy adopted, 5 Part Test of Significance.

The environmental consultant is in charge of solving those problems derived from the legislative application in environmental matters that a company may have.

In addition to advising on environmental legislation issues regarding natural areas, protected species, municipal ordinances, waste management and treatment, etc., this professional is in charge of tasks such as the following:

  • Implementation of quality and environmental management systems

  • Advice and processing of eco-labels

  • Design, organization and delivery of environmental training courses

  • Preliminary site investigation and design of plans to improve the industrial environment

In order to provide a comprehensive service, consultants know the operation of the company. In addition, they know what are the normal levels of the environmental indicators to study, as per these indicators, Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR) is prepared.

They manage the procedures related to environmental management and the aforementioned studies, such as Effluent Disposal Report or the level of energy efficiency to be achieved.

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