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We often hear news of environmental damage caused by many things, one of which is due to mining activities. Ex-mining land that has been neglected so that it cannot function normally with soil conditions that are no longer fertile is certainly detrimental to many parties, including residents who live in the vicinity.

Companies that think they are not responsible for caring for land used for developmental activities are wrong. When accepting development projects in forest or non-forest areas, it is the obligation of companies to work with environmental experts in order to preserve the surrounding nature.

There are many ways that can be done to restore the function of land, either by reclamation, re vegetation, or Bush Regeneration. Each of them has the same ultimate goal of preserving and restoring, but the methods used can be different.

The environmental expert is responsible for planning, implementing, and supervising the course of rehabilitation aimed at minimizing and preventing adverse impacts on the environment. As well as trying to restore the function of the soil structure so that it can be used as usual for growing plants.

Several things that must be done while carrying out environmental rehabilitation will have a major impact and change on the environment, some of which can be seen in the following list.

  • The soil pH level will be neutralized

  • Heavy metal concentrations and toxicity can be reduced

  • Water will be absorbed by the soil with a higher absorption rate

  • Functional microbes and diversity will be increased

  • A Vegetation Management Plan will be prepared

These things above can be achieved if an agreement is made between the company and the environmental rehabilitation consultant, which is supported by real work actions in the field according to the plans that have been prepared.

Technically, environmental rehabilitation consultants will collaborate with organizations that are constrained by environmental problems. Opinions and suggestions will be given to minimize or even avoid the risk of environmental damage.

The environmental rehabilitation consultant is also responsible for providing direction to the organization (client) so that it continues to operate according to the laws and regulations on the environment that apply in their area.

Environmental Rehabilitation Consultant Duties

There are general tasks that must be completed by an environmental rehabilitation consultant, some of which are as follows.

  • Perform data analysis taken from surveys or direct research in the field (problematic environment)

  • Collect data as needed and conduct research

  • Provide direction and remind the organization (client) to remain compliant with environmental laws and regulations

  • Responsible for research results in the form of presentations to the parties concerned

  • Provide opinions, suggestions, and solutions to overcome rehabilitation problems experienced by clients

Humans do have to work hard and be self-aware to protect nature so that they can coexist in the long term. That is a form of responsibility that must be carried out as gratitude for the abundant resources given by nature.

We hope that after reading this article, you will be moved to be more sensitive to the environment. As well as realizing the importance of hiring the services of an Environmental Consultant in order to protect the earth from damage.

At least, to restore the function of the land, soil, and environment to their original state and prevent them from various threats of damage that harms the living things around them.


Biodiversity refers to the variety of genes, species, and ecosystems that make up life on Earth. It provides a wide variety of essential goods and services to the world, including everything from basic material needs food, timber, fiber, and medicines to underlying ecosystem services like flood and pest control, pollination, and climate regulation.

Environmental Impact

Biodiversity gets lost as animal and plant species disappear altogether from certain areas or the planet. In addition, largely artificial forces, including habitat destruction, over-exploitation, and invasive competitors, push 52 species per category closer to extinction each year.

The adverse effects of many natural disasters are exacerbated by failures to protect Biodiversity and Ecosystem services. It can be seen regularly in the results of disasters worldwide from different countries. For example, deforestation makes many areas more vulnerable to mudslides that wiped out homes, crops, and lives.

Framing the Issue

The Group of 8 leading industrialized nations initiated the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) project to study the economic impact of ecosystem services and changes in biodiversity. Other recent estimates place the economic value of the benefits of maintaining the biodiversity of natural ecosystems at 10 to 100 times their costs.

In most cases, those who bear the brunt of the impact of the loss of biodiversity and deterioration of ecosystems are people who live off the land in less developed countries. These people rely directly on nature for food, shelter, and income. They generally need more resources or training to resort to the modern, artificial tools at the disposal of wealthier populations to help compensate for the loss of nature's services.Threats to biodiversity threaten agricultural productivity, and food security. Wheat, rice, and maize provide more than 50 % of global plant-derived energy intake.

Biodiversity Conservation

Fortunately, we can restore and protect biodiversity and natural ecosystem services. There have already been several noteworthy success stories. An innovative conservation law enacted in 2007 has enabled sustainable logging and ecosystem restoration management. The benefits of maintaining biodiversity and healthy ecosystems are prevalent in developed and remote areas.Biodiversity is associated with other developmental sectors and human well-being.

International Development

Well-off donor countries such as the Group of 8 have an essential role in maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services in developing countries. While both are hugely important and valuable, they often need to address biodiversity as a critical driver of economic livelihood and survival in much of the developing world. Effective aid packages should empower developing country institutions and incentive local stakeholders to be actively involved in conserving their own natural ecosystems.

Social Responsibility

The global supply chains of multinational companies can have a tremendous impact on biodiversity and local ecosystems. Therefore, companies must adopt and implement sustainability practices as a central component of their corporate social responsibility policies. Local countries could promote environmentally responsible corporate behavior by linking incentives with adopting sustainable business practices to earn positive economic returns on their investments in these incentives. Check our services at:


Environmental impact assessment is the type of environmental statement. The statements are often organized to describe the environmental baseline, mitigation, and effects for each type of environmental receptors: ecology, water resources, archaeological resources, human beings, and etcetera. Contaminated land is often managed similarly to the different environmental receptor groups. It is principally a cause of emphasis rather than a receptor.

It also often refers to an existing condition, damaging its effects on various receptors such as human health, structures and buildings, surface water features, groundwater features, and ecology. It often means that land contamination specialists struggle with logically integrating the issue into an Environmental Statement. However, sticking to the structured approach of an environmental statement is essential to ensure a clear description of the existing environmental condition, the potential impacts, and the actions taken to avoid, minimize, offset or manage the impacts. Assessments are intended to be instruments that find the real risks with some reliable, objective process leading to the targeted dedication of resources toward protecting critical assets.

Contaminated land is considered on a source-pathway-receptor basis. Understanding land development's impact on the issue of contaminated land is essential. Development can interfere with any of three different elements. First, it can introduce sensitive receptors by changing land use, for instance, by building new residential units on a site previously used for heavy industry. New pathways linking pre-existing contamination with upcoming receptors can be formed, for instance, when piling through a non-permeable layer connecting a layer of contaminated soils with a deep aquifer. Finally, introducing pollutants on the site is can introduce the source of contamination.More specifically, these are assets degraded or destroyed, would effectively halt operations for an extended time - or worse yet - altogether.

The aim of SEPP 55 Contamination Assessment. Apart from the essential and procedural elements described in the environmental statement, a good environmental statement comprises the following departments:

  • Environmental baseline

  • Environmental impacts

  • Mitigating measures

  • Residual impacts

Any receptor can affected and describe the section about the potential impacts and effects should be introduced in the section describing the baseline. Any material impact can assign mitigation or management action. Implementing this structure allows for a clear description and understanding of the environmental impacts and how they can manage.

Applying these principles to contaminated land will outcomes in a baseline condition section that describes the current sensitive receptors present within the potential sphere of influence of the development, the sensitivity and importance of these receptors, the presence of any pre-existing contamination, and the presence of actual and potential pathways.

The following section, potential environmental impacts or effects, first considers the impacts that the development will have in terms of the introduction (or removal) of sensitive receptors and creating new pathways between existing and excellent pollution sources and receptors. In addition, the section will describe the potential environmental impacts associated with introducing new sources of contamination. Finally, a statement of the residual impact of the development is offered in the last section: residual environmental impacts.

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